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General Dentist in Tacoma, WA

Hearon Family Dentistry

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Dental Technology
At Hearon Family Dentistry we use leading-edge dental technology to provide you with safe, fast, and effective results!

A dentist reviews a patient's digital xrays on her tablet device

Digital X-ray

X-rays are a primary tool for early identification of dental problems. Detecting issues with X-rays before they become problems can save you money in the long run by preventing the need for more extensive, expensive procedures or surgeries. X-rays are primarily used to detect:
•  Internal tooth decay
•  Cysts(fluid filled sacks at the base of your teeth)
•  Tumors, both cancerous and non-cancerous
•  Impacted teeth
•  Teeth that are still coming in

At Hearon Family Dentistry, we use digital x-rays, which have several advantages over traditional film based X-rays. Digital x-rays allow us to take x-rays with 1/5 of the radiation that you would receive from with traditional dental x-rays. The worry of exposure to excess radiation is eliminated.

Large on-screen X-rays make patient communication more effective. The immediate observation of the images on the screen allows us to discuss your dental health quickly and accurately.

Digital radiography has greatly enhanced the practice of dentistry. It allows the patient and the doctor to see images of the teeth in higher resolution on a large format for easier detection of problems, all while decreasing the radiation exposure to the patient. The process we use further defines the radiograph, resulting in clinically meaningful images that are sharp, detailed and rich in contrast.

Images are available instantly after exposure, eliminating the wait and effort spent developing and mounting X-rays. If an image needs to be retaken, it can be done immediately. Digital format also allows us to send and receive your images electronically for consultation that can be presented to you quickly.

Intraoral Camera

An intraoral camera is a handheld appliance that is shaped like a wand. The tiny camera at the tip of the appliance takes hundreds of pictures per second to capture an in-depth and accurate image of your mouth. This image is sometimes used to create a digital impression of your teeth and gums. A digital impression is particularly useful for same-day dental crowns.

Diagnodent Laser

The diagnodent laser allows us to more effectively identify the presence of decay in the occlusal (bite) surface of a tooth. The diagnodent laser measures laser fluorescence within the mineral structure of a tooth. This allows for the detection of healthy tooth structure, as well as smooth surface dental caries (tooth decay) at their earliest stage. Early detection of tooth decay helps us effectively treat the problem before it requires a costly and invasive restoration.

Soft Tissue Laser

A soft tissue laser simultaneously cauterizes and cuts an incision in the tissue. For this reason, laser treatment may reduce bleeding, discomfort, and swelling both during and after your procedure. We may use a soft tissue laser to treat periodontal disease by removing the infected lining of the gum tissue. This allows for the regeneration of healthy tissue around the teeth. Soft tissue lasers are also effective for gum contouring and crown lengthening if you want to improve the aesthetics of your smile.

UltraSonic Scalers

We use ultrasonic scalers for most adult dental cleanings. These devices use ultrasonic vibrations to help breakdown the plaque and calculus on the teeth that cause gingivitis and periodontal disease. The ultrasonic cleaners create microscopic bubbles that implode on the surface of the tooth, killing microbes and removing plaque and tartar in the process. Our instruments use a thin tip to better navigate in the periodontal pockets to help maintain optimal gingival health.
•  The procedure only uses water, no chemicals are used.
•  It can remove tartar buildup in hard-to-reach areas, with no damage to the tooth enamel.
•  Manual scaling often uses pressure for cleaning, while the vibration produced by the scaling tip of an ultrasonic scaler is barely perceptible. This makes ultrasonic cleaning suitable to those with sensitive teeth.
•  The cleaning process is faster than manual scaling making your visit more comfortable.

Schedule Your Appointment

If you want the very best in professional dental care call (253) 756-0600, and schedule your appointment today!
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Donald Hearon DDS, 1901 South Washington Street, Tacoma WA 98405 • (253) 756-0600 • • 8/23/2024 • Related Phrases: cosmetic dentistry Tacoma WA •